Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Perpustakaan Keluarga : Daftar Buku

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Kadang saat berada di toko buku dan menemukan buku baru, saya lupa apakah buku tersebut sudah ada atau belum di perpustakaan saya. Untuk itu saya pikir akan berguna juga kalau saya menginventarisir dan mengupload di blog daftar buku yang ada. Siapa tahu ada rekan yang juga tertarik.

Niat untuk mencantumkan referensi atau ulasan buku-buku favorit tetap ada, namun belum sempat terlaksana. Semoga ke depan bisa terwujud.

Daftar Buku
Update : 28 Mei 2018

1. Buku Bahasa Indonesia

1.1. Buku Umum, Fiksi

1.1.1.Penulis Indonesia

Arswendo Atmowiloto : Senopati Pamungkas, Imung 1-4 
Arsanda Prawisda : Kisah Anak Cahaya
Akhmad Hidayatno : Berpikir Sistem 
Andrea Hirata : Laskar Pelangi ( Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi, Edensor, Maryamah Karpov), Padang Bulan & Cinta di Dalam Gelas, Ayah, Laskar Pelangi di Balik Layar (Rita Triana Budiarto)
Ahmad Fuadi : Trilogi Negeri 5 Menara ( Negeri 5 Menara, Ranah 3 Warna, Rantau 1 Muara)
Bondan Winarno : 100 Mak Nyus Makanan Tradisional Indonesia
Pramoedya Ananta Toer : Anak Semua Bangsa, Bumi Manusia, Rumah Kaca, Jejak Langkah, Arok Dedes
Tere Liye : Bumi, Bulan, Matahari, Bintang, Komet, Ceros dan Batozar, Pulang, Burlian, Eliana, Rindu, Amelia, About Friends, Tentang Kamu, Moga Bunda disayang Allah, About Love, Pukat, Bidadari-Bidadari Surga
Emha Ainun Najib : Markesot BertuturSlilit Sang Kiai, Jejak Tinju Pak Kiai, Tuhan Pun Berpuasa, Spiritual Journey, Demokrasi La Roiba Fih, Indonesia Bagian dari Saya, Kiai Bejo Kiao Untung Kiai Hoki, Jalan Sunyi Emha (Ian L. Betts)
Djokolelono : Bencana di Planet Poa 1, Penjelajah Antariksa 1, Kunin Bergolak 2, Kudeta Putri Gradi 2, Kapten Raz w
Dilan :  Dia adalah Dilanku tahun 1990
Raditya Dika : Cinta Brontosaurus, Koala Kumal, Marmut Merah Jambu, Kambing Jantan, Makan Kakus, Manusia Setengah Salmon, Babi Ngesot
Anita Chairul Tanjung Pesona Solo
Habiburrahman El Shirazy : Ayat-ayat Cinta, Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2
Kho Ping Hoo :  Pendekar Sakti
Marchella FP :  Generasi 90 an, Generasi 90 an Anak Kemaren Sore
Nicko Krisna Yang Ngetrend di Tahun 80 dan 90-an
Umar Kayam : Mangan Ora Mangan Kumpul 
Ayah Edy : Ayah Edy Punya Cerita, Ayah Edy Menjawab 
Tien Suharto Museum Indonesia
PK Ojong : Perang Eropa
Donny Dhirgantoro : 5 cm
Rudi Badil dkk : Soe Hok-Gie sekali lagi 
Indonesia Mengajar - Pengajar Muda

Buku Anak

Rahamidin Zahari dan Jaafar Tahib : Seri Dongeng Klasik si Kancil : Kancil dan Buaya, Kancil dan Penjaga Ladang, Kancil dan Siput
Veri Apriyatno : Menggambar Hiu, Paus & Lumba2 dengan Pensil,; Menggambar Beruang, Serigala, Elang & Buaya dengan Pensil; Menggambar Kucing Besar dengan Pensil :
Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya, Penulis Cilik Punya Karya : Selamatkan Bumi, Rumah Cokelat, The Miracle of Salman Dance, The Orphanage House, Joyful Life, Family Fun Bike, Stephanie The Baker, Be My Best Friend, Geng Penyelamat Alam, Belitung Fun Trip, Writer Wannabe, The Problem Solver, Treasure of The Diamond, Sweety Pastelo Macaron, Creative Friendship, Rainbow Library, Chef Cilik, The Chocolate cake Balls Paranoia, The Pianis Girl, Go Green Girls, Fantastic Island, The Hidden Secret, The School of Stars, The Little Fashion Designer, Journey & Friendship, Doremi's Friendship, Rainbow Library, World Cooking Academy, Sepatu Melayang, Pelangi di Sekolah  Cupcake Festival, The Journalis Group, Stephanie the Baker, Family Fun Bike, Peternakan Kakek, Zupa and The Magic Spoon, Joyful Life, Cute Detective, Creative Friendship, Run Zahra Run, Let's Study Hard, Pramuka-Pramuka Kece, Made in Emak
Qonita dan Peternak Ayam, Qonita Menggembalakan Kambing, Qonita di Peternakan Sapi
Disney's : Ensiklopedia Yang Pertama 1-24
Aku Ingin Tahu Mengapa 1-22 Grolier
Smurf : Smurf 1-20,  The World of Smurfs, celebration of tiny blue proportions by Matt. Murray
Seri Tokoh Dunia : 1-17  Sidharta Gautama, Julius Caesar, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galileu, Isaac Newton, Johan Sebastian Bach, George Washington, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ludwig van Beethoven, Hans Christian Andersen, Abraham Lincoln, Florence Nightingale, Alfred Benhard Nobel, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alfa Edison, Marie Curie, Wright Bersaudara, Walt Disney
Lucky Luke
Dongeng Sebelum Tidur : Petualangan di Malam Hari, Kodok Kecil Pemberani, Musang yang Sombong, Berlayar di Lautan Api, Guki yang Nakal
365 Kisah Pengantar Tidur
366 Cerita Aneka Satwa Seluruh Dunia
Anindita Siswanto : Menanam dan Merawat Bunga, , Memelihara Ikan Hias, Memelihara Kucing, Menanam dan Merawat Kaktus
Ust Hanafi : 99 Doa Pilihan Anak Muslim , Mukjizat Para Nabi & Rasul 
Lia Fitriani S. Pd : Mutiara 99 Hadist, 
Seri Penemuan : Penemuan Kereta Api, Penemuan Roti, Penemuan Film
Paulette Bourgeois & Brenda Clark : Seri Franklin si Kura-kura : Franklin di Kegelapan, Ayo Cepat Franklin, Franklin Berbohong, Franklin Tersesat, Franklin Mau Menang Sendiri, Franklin dan Kamarnya, Hewan Piaraan Franklin, Franklin Bermain Sepak Bola, Franklin Pergi ke Sekolah, Selimut Franklin , Franklin dan Peri Gigi, Menginap di Rumah Franklin, Franklin dan Pesta Helowin, Franklin Bermain Drama, Hari Buruk Franklin, Franklin Naik Sepeda, Teman Baru Franklin, Barang Temuan Franklin, 
The Jungle Book
Frozen : Sebuah Novel, Memory Keajaiban
Dunia Doni & Dina : Doni Menjadi Detektif, Ekspedisi Anggrek Ungu, Mencari Kerang Mutiara Tedi Siswoko
Petualangaj Doggy : Doggy dan Bunga Dandellion, Doggy Sakit Pilek
Disney's : The Little Mermaid, Bambi, Dumbo, Peter Pan, Aladdin, Putri Salju dan Tujuh Kurcaci, Alice di Wonderland
Seri Pustaka Kecil : Tik...Tik...Tik...Hujan Turun, Kisah Tentang Warna
Seri Bacan Anak Walt Disney : Selamat ulang tahu desi
Dora the Explorer : Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi, Ransel Dora
Barney : Pergi ke Dokter Gigi
Lumba2 yg Suka Menolong
Persahabatan Singa dan Tikus
Aku sayang ayah dan Ibu
Aku suka berolahraga
Rayap dan Tongkat Nabi Sulaiman, Gajah Raja Abraham, Keimanan yg Berbuah Manis

1.1.2. Penulis Asing

J.K. Rowling : Harry Potter Bahasa Indonesia (4 set) : Buku 1 : Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah, Buku 2 : Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia, Buku 3 : Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban, Buku 4 : Harry Potter dan Piala Api, Buku 5 : Harry Potter dan Orde Phoenix, Buku 6 : Harry Potter dan Darah Campuran, Buku 7 : Harry Potter dan Reliku Kematian 
Eiji Yoshikawa : Taiko (6 buku), Musashi (6 buku), Shinsuikoden 1-4, Taira No Masakado
J.R.R. Tolkien : The Lord of the Rings : Sembilan Pembawa Cincin (The Fellowship of The Ring), Dua Menara (The Two Tower), Kembalinya Sang Raja (The Return of The King), Hobbit
Karl May : Old Shattered Hand 3, Winnetou 2, Old Death 1, Hantu Lano Estacado 2, Anak Pemburu Beruang 1
Brandon Sanderson : Elantris (7 buku), The Reckoners Trilogy (Steelheart, Firefigth, Calamity) 5 set, Seri Alcatraz vs Evil Librarians (Buku 1 s.d 5)
Victor Hugo : Les Miserables
Alexandre Dumas : The Count of Monte Cristo
Jules Verne Mengelilingi Dunia dalam 80 hari, The Legacies of Jules Verne : Journey to The Center of the Earth, 20.000 Leaques Under the Sea
Charles Dickens : Great Expectation
Jin Yong (Chin Yung) : Pendekar Pemanah Rajawali 1-4, Kisah Membunuh Naga 1-4, Golok Naga dan Pedang Langit 1-4
Malcom Gladwell : Blink, Kemampuan Berpikir Tanpa Berpikir 
Vicky Myron, Bret Witter : Dewey Kucing Perpustakaan Kota Kecil yang Bikin Dunia Jatuh Hati
Herge : The Adventure of Tintin (Komik Film)
Chicken Soup for the soul Think Positive Bhs ind
Batik Fabled Cloth of Java
Rick Riordan : Serial Percy Jackson 
M.R. Carey : The Girl with All the Gifts 
Christopher Paolini : Inheritance
Robert Galbraith : The Silkworm
Cornelia Funke : Inkheart
Lucy Maud Montgomerry : Anne of Green Gables Indo, Anne of the Island, Anne of Avonlea
Sidney Sheldon : Bila Esok Tiba
Blake Crouch : Dark Matter
Xi You : Kisah Perjalanan ke Barat 1-5
Pierce Brown : Putra Emas (Golden Sun), Kebangkitan Merah (Red Rising), Bintang Timur (Morning star)
Sohachi Yamauka : Oda Nobunaga 1-5
Kitami Masao : The Swordless Samurai, Pemimpin Legendaris Jepang Abad XVI
Mark Cunninham, Tim Clark : Strategi Hideyoshi
John Allyn : Kisah 47 Ronin
Enid Blyton : Di Pulau Harta, Beraksi Kembali, Rahasia di Pulau Kirrin, Rawa Rahasia
Ilona Andrews : Magic Strikes, On the Edge, Magic Bleeds, Magic Burns, Magic Bites
Jonathan Stroud : The Ring of Solomon 
Ken Follet : Dunia Tanpa Akhir (World Without End)
Marissa Meyer : Cinder,Scarlet, Cress, Winter
Naomi Novik Temeraire His Majesty's Dragon, Throne of Jade, Black Powder War
Pearl S. Buck : Good Earth, Sons Wang Si Macan, A House Divided
Rudyard Kipling: Anak Rimba ( The Jungle Book)
Suzanne Collins : The Hunger Games 
Septimus Heap : Sage Fire, Darke
Stephen Covey : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle : The Lost World
Stephen King : Di Bawah Kubah (Under The Dome), Salems Lot

Non Fiksi :
Ajahn Brahms : Hello Happiness 365 Petikan Pencerahan, Si Cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya 1-3, Don't Worry be Happy
Barrack Obama : Dari Jakarta menuju Gedung Putih, 
W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgn : Blue Ocean Strategi (Strategi Samudra Biru) 
Spencer Johnson MD : Who Move My Cheese? 
Steven Covey : 7 Kebiasaan Remaja yang Sangat Efektif, 7 Kebiasqan Manusiq yang Sangat Efektif, 7 Kebiasaan Keluarga yang Sangat Efektif
Dale Carnegie : Petunjuk Hidup Tentram dan Bahagia 
Charles& Mary Lamb : 20 Drama Terbaik William Shakespeare 
Kenneth Blanchard Ph.D., Spenser Johnson M.D.: One Minute Manager
Guy Haley : Sci-fi Chronicles 
Jostein Gaarder : Dunia Sophie, Dunia Anna 
Alex Ferguson : Autobiografi saya

1.2. Buku Agama Islam

Haidar Bagir Risalah Cinta dan Kebahagiaan, Semesta Cinta, Belajar Hidup dari Rumi, Mereguk Cinta Rumi
Agus Sunyoto : Atlas Wali Songo
M. Quraish Shihab :  M. Quraish Shihab menjawab,1001 Soal Keislaman Yang Patut Anda Ketahui, Membumikan Al-Qur'an, Al-Lubab : Makna, Tujuan dan Pelajaran dari Al-Fatihah dan Juz Amma
Dr. Nadiah Thayyarah : Buku Pintar sains dalam alqur'an 
Kumpulan Hadist Sahih Bukhari Muslim
Tasaro GK : Muhammad, Lelaki Penggengam Hujan
Prof Dr. H Muh Chirzin : Kamus Pintar Al Qur'an : 
Dr. 'Aidh al-Qarni : La Tahzan, Jangan Bersedih
Jalaludin Rumi : Fihi Ma Fihi
Nurcholis Madjid (Pemimpin Redaksi) : Ensiklopedia Islam untuk Pelajar (1-6)
Kareen Amstrong : Sejarah Tuhan
Panduan Manasik Haji dan Umrah
Gerdi WK : Shirah Nabi Muhammad (Graphic Novel), Komik Kisah Dakwah Wali Songo
Angga Priatna dan Andy Kristianto : Islam Agama Penyayang  (Komik)
Andityas Praba : Komik Sufi Rumi : Keajaiban Hati, Rumi Kisah dan Hikmah Pencerah Hati
vbi_djenggoten : Komik 99 Pesan Nabi 

1.3. Komik

R.A. Kosasih :  Mahabharata, Lanjutan Mahabharata, Bharatayudha, Pandawaseda, Prabu Udrayana, Ramayana, Kresna LKahir, Ramayana, Wayang Purwa
Halo Ibu Aku Kangen
Masashi Kishimoto : Naruto
Naruto No 1-72, Naruto The Movie Guardian of The Crescent Moon Kingdom, Naruto The Secret Scroll of Confrontation, Naruto The Secret Scroll of Soldier, Naruto The Secret Scroll of Fighting, Naruto The Movie : Ninja Clas In The Land of Snow 1-2, Naruto The Movie : Legend of The Stone of Gelel 1-2,    Naruto Official Animation Book : Hiden-Douga Emaki, Naruto Official Animation Book : Hiden- Shippu Emak
Yoshohiro Togashi : Hunter x Hunter 1-33
Akira Toriyama : Dragon Ball 1-29  
Yoichi Takahashi : Captain Tsubasa 1-19
Mitsuyoshi Sonoda : The Three Kingdom 1-8 
Full Metal Alchemist 1-6
Samurai X 1-2
Sherlock Great Game 1, A Study in Pink, The Blind Banker
The Raid
Komik Shanaou Yoshitsune 1-22
Assassin's Creed 1Desmond, 2 Aquilus, 3 Accipiter, 4 Hawk, 5 El Cakr, 6 Leila
Petualangan Tintin (The Movie)
Paket Komik Perang Dunia ke-2
100 Filosofi 1, 2
Agatha Christie Murder on the Orient Express
Samkok 1, 2
Kisah Klasik Hamlet, Monte Cristo
Kartun Ekonomi Jilid 1 Mikroekonomi
My Stupid Boss
Komik Little Krishna : Serbuan Angin Topan, Serangan Monster Kuda, Jebakan Sihir, Api dan Kemarahan, Penyamaran Iblis, Misteri Hilangnya Domba, Tantangan Berbahaya, Gua Menyeramkan, Penginapan Monster Burung, Tamasya Asyik, Serangan Ular Naga
Why : Chinese Character, Chemistry
Larva Wow Sains
Legenda Naga (Premium) 1-4
Good Personality Series : 1
Detektif Conan
Komik Islami : Sirah Nabi Muhammad Graphic Novel , Kisah Dakwah Wali Songo , Islam Agama Penyayang  Komik Sufi Rumi : Keajaiban Hati, Rumi Kisah dan Hikmah Pencerah Hati, Komik 99 Pesan Nabi 

2. Buku Bahasa Inggris

Robert Jordan : The Wheel of Time
The New Spring, The Eye of The World, The Great Hunt, The Dragon Reborn, The Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven, Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, The Path of Daggers, Winter's Heart, Crossroads of Twilight, Knife of Dreams, The Gathering Storm (with Brandon Sanderson) , Tower of Midnight (with Brandon Sanderson), A Memory of Light (with Brandon Sanderson)

Brandon Sanderson :
The Stormlight Archive series The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer
The Mistborn series : The Mistborn, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages, The Alloy of Law, Shadow of Self, The Bands of Mourning
The Reckoners series : Steelheart, Firefight, Calamity
The Alcatraz vs Evil Librarians series : The Scrivener's Bones, The Evil Librarians, Nights of Crystalia
The Emperor's Soul
Dangerous Women

Terry Pratchett :
The Thief of Time, The Fifth Elephant, The Night Watch, Men At Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, Snuff, Mort, Thud, The Color of Magic, The Good Omen, Interesting Times, Soul Music, Turtle Recall, The Art of Discworld, The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith, I Shall Wear Midnight, Hogfather, Eric, Maskerade, Carpe Jugulum,The Dark Side of the Sun, The Long Earth,The Long War, The Long Mars, The Long Utopia, The Long Cosmos, Nation, The Complete Ankh-Morpork City Guide, A Slip of the Keyboard, Hogfather : The Iliustrated Screenplay

David Baldacci :
The Camel Club series : The Camel Club, The Collectors,Stone Cold, Divine Justice, Hell's Corner 
Sean King and Michelle Maxwell series : Hour Game, Simple Genius, First Family, The Sixth Man, King and Maxwell 
Shaw and Katie James series : The Whole Truth, Deliver Us From Evil 
John Puller series : Zero Day, The Forgotten, The Escape, No Man's Land
Will Robie series : The Innocent, The Hit, The Target, The Guilty,End Game\
Amos Decker series : Memory Man, Last Mile, The Fix                                         
Stand-alone novels : Total Control, The Winner, The Simple Truth, Saving Faith, Last Man Standing, The Christmas Train, True Blue, One Summer, The Winner, The Finisher

Isaac Asimov :
Prelude to Foundation, Foundation (belum ada !), Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation, Foundation Edge, Foundation and Earth, The Rest of the Robots, Gold, Robot of Dreams, The Stars Like Dusts, The Current of Spaces, Peeble in the Sky, Nightfall, The Robots of Dawn, The Naked Sun, The Caves of Steel, The God Themselves,Robot Visions, I Robot, Robots and Empire

Star Trek : 
Star Trek Takedown, Star Trek All Good Things, Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Trek The Visual Dictionary

Star Wars :
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II Attack of The Clone, Star Wars Trilogy Episode IV, V, VI, Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awaken, Star Wars Legends Kenobi, Star Wars Lightsaber Rescue, Star Wars in 100 Scenes, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, Star Wars Annual 2012
Star Wars Episode The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars Misteries of Jedi, Star Wars The Secret Life of Droid
Star Wars Battle for the Galaxy, Stat Wars Ships of the Galaxy 2, Star Wars Rogue One Book and model : make your own u-wing, Star Wars Before The Awakening

J.K. Rowling : Harry Potter series :
Harry Potter and The Phillosopher Stone, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix, Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, The Deathly Hallows
Andy Weir : The Martian
Brent Weeks  : The Night Angle Trilogy : The Way of Shadows, Shadows' Edge, Beyond the Shadows
Brian Jacoues : Redwall : Mattimeo, The Bellmaker, Mariel of Redwall, Rakkety Tam, A Tale of Redwall, Doomwyte
Cassandra Clare : The Mortal Instruments : City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls, City of Heavenly Fire 
Cristopher Paolini : Eragon, Brisingr, Inheritance, Eldest 
Chima : The Warrior Heir, The Wizzard Heir
Classics Three Musketeers, Hamlet, A Tale of Two Cities, Les Miserables, The Count of Monte Cristo, Twenty Thousands Leagues Under the Sea, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Gulliver Travel, Robinson Crusou
Clive Cussler : Zero Hour, Pacific Vortex, Flood Tide, Atlantis Found hardcover 2, Treasure of Khan, Trojan Odissey, Polar Shift, The Navigator, Night Probe, Shock Wave, Raise The Titanic, Vahalla Rising, Vixen 03, Sahara, Serpent, Moon Tide, Medusa, the Wrecker, Blue Gold, Arctic Drift, Ghost Ship, The Spy, The Mayan Secret, The Storm
Dean Koontz : Deeply Odd, Saint Odd, Odd Hours, Forever Odd, The Good Guy
Dan Simon : Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion
Diana Gabaldon : Outlander
David Eddings : Belgariad, Malloreon, Belgarath the Sorcerer, The Redemption of Athalus, The Sapphire Rose, The Diamond Throne, The Ruby Night
Dawn Brown : The Da Vinci Vode, Deception Point, Digital Fortress, Angels and Demons
Orson Scott : Enders Game, Speaker For the Death, Xenocide, Enders Shadow 
Frederick Forsyth : The Day of the Jackal
Garth Nyx : Abhorseen, Lyrael, Clariel, To Hold the Bridge, Goldenhand
Harper Lee : To Kill a Mocking Bird
HG Wells : The War of the Worlds
JRR Tolkien : The Lord of The Rings Triloty, Hobbit, Tales From Perilous Realm, The Silmarillion
John le Carre : A Most Wanted Man
Jonathan Stroud : Bartimaeus : The Ring of Solomon
James Patterson : NYPD Red 2ok, NYPD Red 2, NYPD Red 3, NYPD Red 4, I Michael Bennet
John Grisham : The Firm, The Racketeer, The Runaway Jury, The Partner, The Pelican Brief, Theodore Boon 1, TB The Activist, Scymore Row
John Green : The Fault in Our Stars
Joe Abercrombie : Last Argument of Kings, Half a King
Jim Butcher : Storm Front, Fool Moon
Kevi : The X Files Ruins
Lore : The Power of Six, The Rise of Nine
Leight Bardugo : The Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, Ruin and Rising
Larsson : The Girl who Kick the Hornest' Nest, The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire
Marie Lu : Legend, Prodigy, Champion
Marissa Meyer, The Lunar Chronicles lengkap : Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Fairest, Winter, Stars Above,
Michael Crichton : Congo, Sphere, Eaters.of uthe death hardcover
Neil Gaiman : Good Omens, Anansi Boys, The Graveyard Book, The Ocean and The End of the Lane,  Fortunately The Milk, How the Marquis got His Coat back
Patrick Rothfuss The Name of The Wind, The Wise Man's Fear, The Slow Regard of Silent Things 2ok
Pierce Brown Red Rising, Golden Son, Morning Star
Raymond E. Feist : Magician Apprentice, Magician Master, Darkness at Sethanon, Rage of a Demon King
Ransom Riggs : Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children, Hollow City, Library of Souls
Robert Gilbraith : The Cuckcoo's calling, Career of Evil
Sally Green : Half Bad 
Scott Lynch The Lies of Locke Lamora, Read Seas Under Red Skies, The Republic of Thieves
Suzanne Collins :  The Hunger Games, Mocking Jay, Catching Fire
Stephen Hawking : A Brief History of Time
Stephenie Meyer : Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
Stieg Larsson : The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, The Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
Walter Isaacson : Steve Jobs
Sun Zi : The Art of War
Roger Zelany : Lord of Light
Susanna Clarke : Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Sidney Sheldon : The Doomsday Conspiracy
Tom Clancy : Clear and Present Danger, Executive Order, The Sum of All Fear, The Hunt for Red October
Tad Williams : Shadowheart
Tom Clancy : Aftermath
Terry Goodkind : Wizard's First Rule
Turner : The Thief
Ursula : The Earthsea Quartet
Vernor Vinge : A Fire Upon The Deep
Wilbur Smith : Monsoon, Birds of Prey
William Gibson : Neuromancer
Ernest Cline : Ready Player One
Half Bad
Spook revenge 13
Chicken Soup for the Soul : Think Positive
His Dark Materials
Donald Sommerville : The Illustrated History of World War Two
Orchird Gardening, Better Homes and Gardens
Aland Goldstein : Muhammad Ali, The Story of a Boxing Legend
Queen, The Illustrated Biograpjy
Events that Shaped History. Igloobooks
Pizza, A World of Pizza
Howard Schultz : Onward
Shakespeare  : The Essential Guide to the Plays
Space : Knowledge Encyclopedia
Wonders of the World
Halo Mythos : A Guide to the story of Halo
Malala Yousafzai : I am Malala, The Girl who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by The Taliban
Madeleine L'Engles' : Wrinkle in Time
Michael Scott : The Secret of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel : The Enchantress, The Magician, The Necromancer, The Warlock, The Sorceress
Muhammad Ali, The Story of a Boxing Legend by Carlton Books
Donald Sommerville : The Illustrated History of World War Two
Cornelia Hamburg : The Treasure of Vincen van Gogh 
igloobooks : Events That Shaped History, Wonders of The World 
Life : Michael 1958-2009
The Beatles - Across The Universe
Queen - The Illustrated Biography by Tim Hill 
Mitchell Platts : The History of Golf 
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson 
Orchid Gardening Better Homes
Space, Knowledge Encyclopedia DK
Shakespeare, The Essential Guide to the Plays A.D. Cousins
School of Good and Evil 1-3 Soman Chainani
1001 Garden You Must See Before You Die Ray Spencer-Jones
Kirkman and Scoot : Baby Blues series : She Started It, Guess Who Did'nt Take A Nap, I Thought Labor Ended When Baby was Born, One More and we are Outnumbered, The Super-Absorbent Biodegradable Family Size Baby Blues, threats bribes & videotape, Night of the Living Dad, We are Experiencing Parental Difficulties Please Stand By, Framed.
The Golfer's Alphabet Frost
The Great Book of Amber 1-10 Roger Zelany
Terry Brooks The Word and The Void
The Icewind Dale Trilogy R. A. Salvatore
The First Saint Omnibus Leslie Charters
Outcast Gun Giles A. Lutz !!!!!
13 Short Espionage Novels
Warcraft Archieve Richard A Knaak

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